Intervening artificially usually does not do anything except give investors or speculators a target.
If somebody from a central bank said ‘we’re going to keep the price at 10’ then everybody knows. Like with the Swiss recently. There is no risk! So artificial interference rarely works and is never good.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Oil drop is temporary, worldwide reserves are in decline
America went to Saudi Arabia and told them to dump oil to put pressure on Iran and the Russians. Saudi Arabia was happy to do it because they also wanted to slow down fracking in the U.S. You had this artificial geopolitical event, which drove the price in oil down. If you get out the charts, you can see the drop almost exactly coincided with American negotiations with Iran.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Even New York could end up in economic ruins
I have been a lot of places and you see how rich they once were, whether it is Belfast or Prague or whatever, you see how rich they once were and now they are destroyed! You go to Carthage; Carthage at one time was the terror of the Roman Empire. Carthage is just flat! There’s nothing there except stones and ruins.
So it doesn’t matter who you are. Rome! Rome went from a population of millions to a population of a few thousand by the time it got into its major decline. .... the Romans actually ruined themselves because they spent money, they debased the currency, they went huge debt, a staggering number of regulations, all the things that have happened throughout history. But what really brought them down was they stopped paying pensions to the soldiers because they didn’t have enough money. Well, the soldiers didn’t like that so they went around getting their own pensions. But yes it did go into a decline and then the barbarians marched in because there was nobody to defend it.
Some day we are going to New York and look around, if the buildings are still there, and say ‘my god these guys must have had a huge amount of money once upon a time!’ Maybe the buildings will have fallen down or be abandoned or bombed if war comes, but no it doesn’t matter who you are, it’s going to end..
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
So it doesn’t matter who you are. Rome! Rome went from a population of millions to a population of a few thousand by the time it got into its major decline. .... the Romans actually ruined themselves because they spent money, they debased the currency, they went huge debt, a staggering number of regulations, all the things that have happened throughout history. But what really brought them down was they stopped paying pensions to the soldiers because they didn’t have enough money. Well, the soldiers didn’t like that so they went around getting their own pensions. But yes it did go into a decline and then the barbarians marched in because there was nobody to defend it.
Some day we are going to New York and look around, if the buildings are still there, and say ‘my god these guys must have had a huge amount of money once upon a time!’ Maybe the buildings will have fallen down or be abandoned or bombed if war comes, but no it doesn’t matter who you are, it’s going to end..
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Oil could be a buy after it goes down further
I would not buy oil. It’s pretty clear to me that oil is going to go down to test the previous lows, and it might even go under a little bit to scare people. I wouldn’t buy gold either. I’d rather buy agriculture if I were buying commodities at this stage.
The way most markets work is once you have a big collapse in something and it hits a low, there’s a second test of the lows. Right now you’re getting that second test in oil. I suspect that it will pass the test, or at the worst, maybe make a minor new low.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
The way most markets work is once you have a big collapse in something and it hits a low, there’s a second test of the lows. Right now you’re getting that second test in oil. I suspect that it will pass the test, or at the worst, maybe make a minor new low.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Could see further weakness in Gold
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Biggest bubble now in Bonds
The bond market is perhaps the biggest bubble in the world right now. And, when it finally starts going the other way, there will be huge losses in bonds. We might already have seen the top and the bond prices have been going down or moving sideways for two-three years now.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Japan could be ruined in the longer term
I am buying China, Japan, and Russia, all of which are Asian markets.
One reason I am not buying the U.S. is because the U.S. is making all-time highs. I prefer not to buy things making all-time highs. Japan is down 50% from its high, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he will print unlimited amounts of money. He is doing things to make the market go up. He has also passed legislation to give tax incentives to invest in the stock market. He has persuaded the huge pension funds to buy more shares. Abe has done a lot of things that are good for stocks and the investment community.
I am not buying the currency because he is running up huge debts and printing money, which is debasing the currency. In the short term, it’s good for investors. In the long term, it will ruin Japan. The population is declining, debt is going through the roof, and currencies are being destroyed. This is not good for Japan.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
One reason I am not buying the U.S. is because the U.S. is making all-time highs. I prefer not to buy things making all-time highs. Japan is down 50% from its high, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he will print unlimited amounts of money. He is doing things to make the market go up. He has also passed legislation to give tax incentives to invest in the stock market. He has persuaded the huge pension funds to buy more shares. Abe has done a lot of things that are good for stocks and the investment community.
I am not buying the currency because he is running up huge debts and printing money, which is debasing the currency. In the short term, it’s good for investors. In the long term, it will ruin Japan. The population is declining, debt is going through the roof, and currencies are being destroyed. This is not good for Japan.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Jim Rogers interview on Business Standard
Jim Rogers was recently interviewed by Business Standard. Below are the transcripts.
Can the euro zone disintegrate over the next five years?
I think it will certainly change from what it is now. It could disintegrate, but I hope it doesn’t. The world needs something to compete with the US dollar. A sound euro will be a good thing, if they can make it a better currency.
What lies ahead for Greece? Do you think this could set a bad precedent for other indebted countries in the euro zone?
Well, that’s one reason you have the Euro Zone/EU (European Union) refusing to give in. If they give in to Greece, they will have to give in to other people as well; they cannot afford that. That is why they are being so tough with Greece. They should be tough, otherwise the contagion will spread to the whole world. The world cannot afford this. So, continuing to be tough with Greece is a good thing.
Problems with Greece have been going on for five years and it is perhaps higher now than it was before. They still spend huge amounts of money on pensions and government employees. So Greece hasn’t really had serious austerity yet.
You had also said that the US dollar could cross the 100 mark against most global currencies. Do you still hold this view?
Well, it still can go past the 100 mark against most currencies but it may turn into a bubble. Once we have more currency turmoil, many people will flee to the US dollar and because they do not know what else to do. They think it is a safe haven. It is not a safe haven. It is not a prediction but this can happen.
Do you think the US dollar could probably lose its tag of a safe-haven currency over the next five years? Which currency, in your opinion, could replace it?
That will happen, but it will take longer than five years. One reason why it will take longer than five years is that the only currency I see seriously coming close is the Renminbi, but the Chinese currency isn’t even convertible yet. So, it is impossible to see it replacing the US dollar at the moment.
What is your outlook for gold and crude oil?
I own gold and I am not buying gold right now. If it goes down, I will buy more. As for oil, the way most markets work, they have a big drop and collapse followed by a rebound. It is sometimes called a ‘dead-cat bounce’, and then it goes back to test the bottom again. I suspect crude oil will test the lows and pass this test, but in the meantime, I am not buying oil. I am waiting to see the oil test lows again.
Can the euro zone disintegrate over the next five years?
I think it will certainly change from what it is now. It could disintegrate, but I hope it doesn’t. The world needs something to compete with the US dollar. A sound euro will be a good thing, if they can make it a better currency.
What lies ahead for Greece? Do you think this could set a bad precedent for other indebted countries in the euro zone?
Well, that’s one reason you have the Euro Zone/EU (European Union) refusing to give in. If they give in to Greece, they will have to give in to other people as well; they cannot afford that. That is why they are being so tough with Greece. They should be tough, otherwise the contagion will spread to the whole world. The world cannot afford this. So, continuing to be tough with Greece is a good thing.
Problems with Greece have been going on for five years and it is perhaps higher now than it was before. They still spend huge amounts of money on pensions and government employees. So Greece hasn’t really had serious austerity yet.
You had also said that the US dollar could cross the 100 mark against most global currencies. Do you still hold this view?
Well, it still can go past the 100 mark against most currencies but it may turn into a bubble. Once we have more currency turmoil, many people will flee to the US dollar and because they do not know what else to do. They think it is a safe haven. It is not a safe haven. It is not a prediction but this can happen.
Do you think the US dollar could probably lose its tag of a safe-haven currency over the next five years? Which currency, in your opinion, could replace it?
That will happen, but it will take longer than five years. One reason why it will take longer than five years is that the only currency I see seriously coming close is the Renminbi, but the Chinese currency isn’t even convertible yet. So, it is impossible to see it replacing the US dollar at the moment.
What is your outlook for gold and crude oil?
I own gold and I am not buying gold right now. If it goes down, I will buy more. As for oil, the way most markets work, they have a big drop and collapse followed by a rebound. It is sometimes called a ‘dead-cat bounce’, and then it goes back to test the bottom again. I suspect crude oil will test the lows and pass this test, but in the meantime, I am not buying oil. I am waiting to see the oil test lows again.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Problems that we could see .....
We’ll have bankruptcies, huge fluctuations and declines in stock markets. We will have the bond market slowing a lot and a lot of turmoil in currencies as well.
In the US, we haven’t had even a 10 per cent correction in stocks — it’s been five years. Now, we will have a lot of big declines starting in a year or two.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
In the US, we haven’t had even a 10 per cent correction in stocks — it’s been five years. Now, we will have a lot of big declines starting in a year or two.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Crude oil may not have bottomed yet
I own gold and I am not buying gold right now. If it goes down, I will buy more.
As for oil, the way most markets work, they have a big drop and collapse followed by a rebound. It is sometimes called a ‘dead-cat bounce’, and then it goes back to test the bottom again.
I suspect crude oil will test the lows and pass this test, but in the meantime, I am not buying oil. I am waiting to see the oil test lows again.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
As for oil, the way most markets work, they have a big drop and collapse followed by a rebound. It is sometimes called a ‘dead-cat bounce’, and then it goes back to test the bottom again.

I suspect crude oil will test the lows and pass this test, but in the meantime, I am not buying oil. I am waiting to see the oil test lows again.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.
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